How To Contribute

So you want to add your translations? Please follow this guide to learn how.

1) Go to the Kokanu We One homepage


2) Create an Account or Login


If you create a new account, reach out to nin Jeka on Discord for getting the writer access role. Otherwise, just login here and you should be directed right back to the home page.








3) Hover Over Translations & Click New


4) Enter the Translation


The Title should be the English word (looking into adding more languages, currently only supporting English). The content should be two paragraphs (just two lines separated by hitting enter), the first paragraph is your Kokanu translation in Latin script, the second in the Likanu script.

Select each word by double clicking the text and use the CMS Content button, then Article. Now search for the word and click on the title to link it.












5) Add Your Field Selections

Click on the Fields tab and indicate what kind of translation and what part of speech the English word is.

6) Enter publishing details

Click on the Publishing tab, much of this actually doesn't need to be changed but you can add notes or version details. If you have the right access level, you can choose to publish or unpublish these translation articles.

Most importantly, you can tag the words that were used, doing this step hooks these translations together and allows users to navigate between translations and Kokanu words with wild abandon.

7) Save your work

You did it! If you have publisher access, you should be able to see your translation but if you are a new writer, please hang tight while publishers review your work. Thanks for participating in the creation of this English-Kokanu dictionary!